pregnant woman should refrain from excessive rubbing of her protruding tummy know about myths and facts

pregnant woman should refrain from excessive rubbing of her protruding tummy know about myths and facts

There are many myths in our society regarding pregnancy. Which we believe with both eyes closed. Today in this article we will talk in detail about one of those myths. Actually, one thing is often said that when the size of the stomach increases during pregnancy, itching starts on the stomach. It is said that women who itch more. It has a bad effect on the child. Now the question arises that does this really happen? Actually, ABP Live Hindi has started a series on ‘Myth vs Facts’. Through this series, all the myths in the society regarding pregnancy have been dispelled. We will try to answer in a logical manner what people follow considering it to be true.

Myths Vs Facts: Does rubbing the stomach excessively during pregnancy have a bad effect on the baby?

We raise such issues in the ‘Myth vs Facts’ series. Let’s try to get to the bottom of it. Which is often used by people in colloquial language. For example, in our society there are many things related to pregnancy which doctors consider as myths. Through this Myth VS Truth series, we will present such things with facts to the general public. So that you do not get trapped in the quagmire of conservative falsehoods.

Becoming a mother is a pleasant feeling for every woman. But the journey of pregnancy is a very long journey of 9 months. During this period, there are many ups and downs along with many hormonal changes. Everyone’s pregnancy journey is different. But one thing that is often prohibited during this period is that a pregnant woman should avoid rubbing her bulging stomach too much.

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According to an old Chinese proverb, the child of a woman who rubs her stomach too vigorously will be spoiled. What the myth suggests is highly improbable. However, it is worth noting that a developing fetus can sense touch as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. The mother can feel her baby by moving her hand over her stomach.

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There is no bad effect on the child but any kind of pressure on the stomach should be avoided.

If your pregnancy is at risk of premature delivery, avoid touching your stomach hard. This can stimulate the uterus to contract more intensely.

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